10 Reasons Why People Look for Jobs
Although different people seek employment for varied reasons, the following are among the raison d'ter for their decisions
- The Need for Survival;
Every living thing seeks survival first above all other considerations,
and man is by no means an exception. Man is said to be an intelligent
animal, but his intellect never eroded his animal instinct. As such we
all have the basic need to survive. People seek paid employment as a
means to satisfying the basic animal instinct of survival. They are
willing to forego their leisure and dreams for the basic need to keep
body and soul united. People look for jobs because they believe that it
is through such means that they will earn their necessaries--food,
shelter and clothing.
- Quick Comfort; haven
guaranteed his survival, man seek comfort as well. Some of us are very
quick at establishing a ceiling regarding what is possible. So,
immediately we 'arrive' at our 'destination' we are very quick to
settle. And as we know, a paid job allows one to quickly settle. All one
need to do is keep the 9-5 rule and he'll receive the pay check at
month end--enough to take care of the need to survive as well as leisure
and protection
- Risk Aversion; because human resources
are scarce relative to our need for them, it becomes almost a second
nature for us to be protective of our station. Many are averse to risk
because of the very nature of risk itself--uncertainty. People do not
like to have something only to loose it in the nearest future. Unless
they are very certain of the outcome, most people will not take the risk
of venturing into the unknown. So, instead of wagering ones scarce
resources--time,energy,materials etc.--on some uncertain endeavor, most
people will take a paid employment instead. The rationale here is simply
to eliminate uncertainty.
- Family and Peer Pressure; as
a consultant, I have come across many a youth complaining about family
and peer pressure being responsible for their decision of taking a paid
job. It is usually viewed as arrogance, madness or even sheer laziness
for a young person to turn down paid employment opportunities in pursuit
of some heart desire, be it enterprise or stardom. Family and friends
have 'your' best interest at heart, they don't want to see you fail only
to turn out a liability on them. So, in 'your' best interest, they urge
you to abandon your high goals and settle for a paid job--whether or
not it is agreeable with your passion or not.
- Need for Security;
just as in the case of risk aversion, the need for security is borne
out the desire to be protected from harm and suffering. And because the
world is filled with so many danger, it is common place for people to
hide behind a shield. A paid employment does that very well. There, the
employee enjoys certain benefits that shield him from harshness of
everyday life. A cosy office, fringe benefits, severance benefits and in
the case of government, gratuity and pension. All of these gives one a
sense of security and assurance that they can get by. Thus, people seek
paid employment to give them some reasonable assurance that they will
eat the next meal, be taken cared of at their twilight zone.
- Need for Experience;
certain fields of human endeavor require years of experience to
practice. The legal, medical, accounting and a host of other profession
have their various standards for apprenticeship. Even fields that do not
have guilds still require some period of training and apprenticeship
before they are properly mastered. As such people seek paid employment
in this regard for the sake of the experience they will garner
- Love for Designation; Some people seek paid
employment because of their craze for designation. They want to be
called chief engineer, chief accountant, general manager and what have
you. Although, this desire for tittles is not alone a sufficient reason
for anybody to take a job, it is a very important consideration for
- Access to Finance; some people may be very
ambitious seeking freedom to explore the world. However, owing to
financial constraints,such persons may take a paid job to enable them
raise some substantial capital to launch their project. In economies
where credit facilities are not easily accessible, this is one of the
most popular routes for entrepreneurs.
- Lack of Ingenuity;
unfortunately, we are all not equally gifted. Some are leaders and
others followers, some are witty and others drab, some are winners and
others slackers, some are makers and others users, some are merchants and
others customers, some are employers and others employees. It is not in
the character of a genius to be caged in by some employer for too long.
If he is caged, it wont be long before his fettered plumage begin to
threaten his captors, until he is either freed to go quietly or he
breaks the cage and frees himself. Where an individual accepts to stay
with a paid job for long period, it becomes very obvious that he is
bereaved of his genius. Or put differently, where people lack ingenuity,
they seek paid employment.
- Sheer Passion; some people
have a strong passion for certain profession such that for them it is
either that profession or nothing else. For example i have met many
young and industrious people who have vowed to do nothing with their
lives unless they join the military. I have met others whose passion are
for sailing, the financial world, the civil service, medicine, teaching
and what have you. And accordingly, they seek paid employment in their
respective areas of desires to fulfill their dreams. No doubt these
people have a right to self-determination.
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